Need Your Ears by P​.​S. Morris With Paperkraft & DJ SHIKISAI Remix


Need Your Ears by P​.​S. Morris With Paperkraft & DJ SHIKISAI Remix


1.Need Your Ears (Original) ミックスとマスタリング

2.Need Your Ears (Paperkraft Remix) マスタリング

3.Need Your Ears (DJ SHIKISAI's 3 a.m. Dub) ミックスとマスタリング


Diesel Disco Club第23弾は、滋賀のMPCマスターP.S. Morrisによるアトモスフェリックなディープハウスナンバー"Need Your Ears"をフィーチャー。ダビーなシンセコードと直球のハウスビートが心地よい、DJユースなオリジナル。

さらに、大阪を拠点に活動するPaperkraftによるモダン・プログレッシブなリミックスと、レーベルオーナーDJ SHIKISAIによる深夜3時のダンスフロアにインスパイアされたダブバージョンを収録。

Diesel Disco Club's 23rd release features "Need Your Ears," an atmospheric deep house track by MPC master P.S. Morris from Shiga. The original mix delivers a comfortable blend of dubby synth chords and straightforward house beats, perfect for DJs.

In addition, the release includes a modern progressive remix by Paperkraft, based in Osaka, and a dub version inspired by the late-night dance floor by the label owner DJ SHIKISAI.

P.S. Morris (Mixtacy, Diesel Disco Club)

滋賀大津が産んだグルーヴ馬鹿。ティーンエイジャーのころより滋賀随一のガラージ箱Club Moveに通い、Pete RockがAKAI MPCを指差す広告に衝撃を受け2003年にAKAI MPC2000XL BLを導入し制作をスタート。以降、一貫してAKAI MPCをベースにしたトラックメイキングを行っている。お気に入りのMPCはMPC2000(無印)である。2020年よりハウスミュージックの楽曲制作をスタートし毎週インスタグラムにてJamを公開、国内外の界隈からその骨太なマシーングルーヴがジワジワと評価されている。

現在、滋賀大津石山にあるStance Coffee & Bar で毎週第三土曜日Stance four beat sessionsを開催。不定期でマシンライブの演奏も国内各地で行っている。

2024年夏 DJ SHIKISAI主宰のDiesel Disco Clubより楽曲リリース。

2024年内 YAMADAtheGIANT主宰のMixtacy Recordsから初のアナログリリース予定。

A groove enthusiast from Otsu, Shiga. As a teenager, he frequented Club Move, the top Garage club in Shiga, and was inspired by an advertisement where Pete Rock pointed to an AKAI MPC, leading him to acquire the AKAI MPC2000XL BL in 2003 and start producing music. Since then, he has consistently based his track-making on the AKAI MPC, with his favorite model being the MPC2000 (classic). In 2020, he began producing House music and has been posting jams on Instagram every week, slowly gaining recognition for his robust machine grooves from the domestic and international scenes.

Currently, he hosts "Stance Four Beat Sessions" every third Saturday at Stance Coffee & Bar in Ishiyama, Otsu, Shiga. He also performs machine live sessions irregularly across Japan.

In the summer of 2024, he will release a track under Diesel Disco Club, led by DJ SHIKISAI.

In 2024, he plans to release his first vinyl under Mixtacy Records, led by YAMADAtheGIANT.




2023年にリリースされたSpicy Space Vol.3 [Are You Alien]に収録された 「Dimples」は高い評価を受け、世界中の著名なフェスやストリーミングでプレイされた。

勢いは止まらず、2024年にはAldonnaとAiden Francisをリミキサーに迎えたEP『Not C But K』をHomageからリリース。

また、Abdul Raevaの別名義であるGearmasterのリミックスも手がけ、Gestalt RecordsのサブレーベルであるHidden Assetsからリリースされた。

さらに、2024年にはMindhelmet、Physical Education、Tomboloからのヴァイナル・リリースがすでに発表されている。

Based in Osaka, Japan.

In the ever-evolving electronic music scene, Paperkraft has emerged as an artist who sublimates his childhood influences of 90s music to create a sonic tapestry that is both nostalgic and progressive. With a background steeped in both classical training and a passion for the avant-garde, Paperkraft has carved out a unique niche in the music scene. His journey through sound has been marked by an unyielding desire to explore and experiment, making each project a fresh adventure.

“Dimples” from Spicy Space Vol.3 [Are You Alien] , released in 2023, received much acclaim and was played at renowned festivals and streaming around the world.

The momentum continued to build, and in 2024, the EP "Not C But K" was released on Homage, with Aldonna and Aiden Francis as remixers.

He also remixed Gearmaster, another name for Abdul Raeva, which was released on Hidden Assets, a sub-label of Gestalt Records.

In addition, vinyl releases from Mindhelmet, Physical Education, and Tombolo have already been announced in 2024.