
第一弾リリース作品「FAFROTSKIES VOL.1」で大きく注目を集める事となった東京拠点のレーベルINFODUMPから主宰TAKURO HASUMIによるリリース第二弾が到着。

前作を踏襲するユニークなトリッピーさを残しつつより繊細/ディープに展開、ダンスフロアを彩る催眠的3曲。本作もコンピューマ、Studio BarnhusのAxel Bomanらが賞賛の声を寄せる見逃せない1枚!

Tokyo-based emerging label INFODUMP Recordings, led by Takuro Hasumi, who captivated audiences with the unique and left-field “Fafrotskies vol.1” released in 2023, has eagerly released a new work titled “Fafrotskies vol.2”! The EP features three tracks that subtly color the dance floor:

“High Fidelity” (A1): A mid-tempo, synth-driven, minimalistic, and romantically imaginative time-warp house track at BPM 113.

“Sparta” (B1): A tribal left-field house track with added electronic and experimental elements, clocking in at BPM 122.

“S.I.M” (B2): An industrial, cut-up loop awakening trip with a stoic parallel groove, flying low at BPM 123.

Each track contributes to the EP’s unique and cool vibe, making it a great addition to any dance floor!

(Text by COMPUMA)

“Hard to pick a favourite here! Love all 3 tracks but the trippy and slower A1. High Fidelity really resonated with me! great ep.”

Axel Boman (Studio Barnhus)